“Let’s go to that village” is a 2014 Italian comedy written, directed and starred by the comedy duo Ficarra and Picone. Valentino and Salvo – old friends, have lost their jobs – they decide to change their lives and move from the city of Palermo to the small Sicilian town of Monteforte, birthplace of Valentino and Salvo’s wife, hoping to limit expenses. The impact with the reality of the town is complicated and the small town seems to be inhabited only by the elderly. Salvo and Valentino, always looking for a solution to make ends meet, find a way to exploit it in their favor, turning the house into a sort of makeshift retirement home. The pact is clear: “You give us the pension and we’ll take care of you.” But no pension is forever …
Rating: NR
Running time about 90 minutes
Directed by Ficarra & Picone
In Italian with English Subtitles
Released in Italy in 2014