Promoting Italian Culture in New Jersey

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Embroi­dered Sto­ries: Inter­pret­ing Women’s Domes­tic Needle­work from the Ital­ian Dias­pora

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Suite 5, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) will host a pre­sen­ta­tion by Edvige Giunta (Women’s His­tory Month) about her lat­est book — “Embroi­dered Sto­ries: Inter­pret­ing Women’s Domes­tic Needle­work from the Ital­ian Dias­pora.” For Ital­ian immi­grants and their descen­dants, needle­work rep­re­sents a marker of iden­tity, a cul­tural tomb­stone as pow­er­ful as pasta and Neapoli­tan […]

$7 – $10

Italy dur­ing WW II

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Suite 5, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

Come listen to a presentation by Stanis­lao Pugliese, a pro­fes­sor of His­tory & the Queens­boro UNICO Dis­tin­guished Pro­fes­sor of Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Stud­ies at Hof­s­tra Uni­ver­sity.  His last book was “Bit­ter Spring:  A Life of Ignazio Silone.”  Pro­fes­sor Pugliese will exam­ine Fas­cist ide­ol­ogy con­cern­ing the war, Mussolini’s alliance with Hitler’s Ger­many and Italy’s war […]

$7 – $10

Bobbi Valli – “A Jer­sey Leg­ends Show”

Oake­side Bloom­field Cul­tural Cen­ter 240 Belleville Avenue, Bloom­field, NJ, United States

You are invited to a salute to the Jersey Boys! A nos­tal­gic trip down mem­ory lane! Music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. Enjoy other favorites — Frank Sina­tra, Nat King Cole, and others. Reser­va­tions and pay­ment in advance required. Pay­ments will not be accepted at the door. Lim­ited Seat­ing so RESERVE EARLY! Appe­tiz­ers […]


Trip to Oper­atic Italy

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Suite 5, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

Join us for a pre­sen­ta­tion by Lou Bar­rella, Music Edu­ca­tor & recip­i­ent of the Dr. Leonard Cov­ello Life­time Achieve­ment Award from The Ital­ian Teach­ers’ Asso­ci­a­tion for his out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions to Ital­ian cul­ture. Topic — “Trip to Oper­atic Italy” — an Audio Visual pre­sen­ta­tion. Louis Barrella has been a dedicated Music Educator for 45 years, receiving […]

$8 – $10

The Evo­lu­tion of Ital­ian Cui­sine in America

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Suite 5, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

Award-winning food writer Ann Castronovo Fusco will dis­cuss the ori­gins of some of the most beloved Ital­ian hol­i­day culi­nary tra­di­tions. Her pre­sen­ta­tion will cen­ter around “what con­sti­tutes gen­uine Ital­ian cook­ing and how it has evolved over time on both sides of the Atlantic. For­mer senior edi­tor of Atten­zione mag­a­zine, she is cur­rently editor-in-chief of a […]
